Faruk Sümer |
Sümer'in en önemli eseri Oğuzlar kitabıdır. Karakoyunlular, Safevîler, Kitab-ı Diyarbakriyya, Çepniler, Yabanlu Pazarı, Türk Devletlerinde Şahıs Adları ve Turkısh Archıtecture diğer kitaplarıdır.
Bundan başka makale, tebliği, ansiklopedi maddesi ve araştırmaya imza atmıştır. Bu eserlerinin bir kısmı çeşitli dillerde de yayınlanmıştır. Türkiye'de olduğu gibi yurt dışında da pek çok görev alan Sümer Türk tarihini özellikle Oğuzların tarihini anlatmak için çalışmalar yapmış, konferans, panel ve makaleler yayınlamıştır. Avrupa ülkeleri ve Türkmenistan'da yaptığı çalışmaları değerini bir kat daha arttırmıştır. Yakalandığı hastalık sonucu 1995 yılında hayatını kaybetmiştir.
English Biography
Prof. Dr. Faruk Sümer was born in Bozkır, Konya, in 1924. He attended primary and secondary school in Istanbul. After finishing History Academy of Istanbul University, he completed his doctorate in Ankara University and continued his academic
life there. Prof. Dr. Faruk Sümer, who published numerous works, wrote lots of worldwide book. His best study is the book of Oğuzlar. Karakoyunlular, Safeviler, Kitab-ı Diyarbakriyya, Çepniler, Yabanlu Pazarı, Türk Devletlerinde Şahıs Adları and
Turkısh Architecture are his other books. Some of his works were published in other languages. In addition to these, he published articles, conveying, the article of encyclopedia and articles. As in Turkey, he also worked abroad and he made some researches on the history of Oğuzlar and published conference, panel discussion and
articles. With the studies in European Countries and in Turkmenistan, he became more famous. Because of an illness he caught, he died in 1995.
English Biography
Prof. Dr. Faruk Sümer was born in Bozkır, Konya, in 1924. He attended primary and secondary school in Istanbul. After finishing History Academy of Istanbul University, he completed his doctorate in Ankara University and continued his academic
life there. Prof. Dr. Faruk Sümer, who published numerous works, wrote lots of worldwide book. His best study is the book of Oğuzlar. Karakoyunlular, Safeviler, Kitab-ı Diyarbakriyya, Çepniler, Yabanlu Pazarı, Türk Devletlerinde Şahıs Adları and
Turkısh Architecture are his other books. Some of his works were published in other languages. In addition to these, he published articles, conveying, the article of encyclopedia and articles. As in Turkey, he also worked abroad and he made some researches on the history of Oğuzlar and published conference, panel discussion and
articles. With the studies in European Countries and in Turkmenistan, he became more famous. Because of an illness he caught, he died in 1995.